Install servos and connect with Main Board
Place a servo in each top Servo Plate of the left and right leg
frames. Turn the leg frames outward 90 degrees as shown for
easy installation.
Fix servos to respective Servo Plates; insert Screw A with Washer A
downwards, passing through servo and then Servo Plate and then fix the
screw with a Nut A on the inside of Servo Plate.
Place Main Board on top of the just assembled servos,
and lock with Screws F. Note that Screw F is of
self-tapping. Use a lower torque if a powered screwdriver
is used. Lock the two diagonal screws first, check the
screw hole alignment and then lock another two screws.
Add Screw B to Top Board and lock with the copper post.
Place Top Board on top of the 8 screw holes that fix the
servos; from lower side of Main Board, secure Nut A with
long nose pliers.
Connect Command Board and Servo Runner A with Command Board Power Line.
Make sure red line is connected to + and black to -. Incorrect connection may
damage the module.
Use correct Servo Power Line to connect with the Servo Board; select
corresponding connector for the battery pack. Ensure correct polarity; incorrect
connection may damage the module.
Connect cmdBUS
cable to Command Board and Servo Runner A. Maker the red
line connects to “Vin”. Incorrect connection may damage the module.
nsert BC1 into Leg Frame according to
pin assignment; pull or push it vertically
to avoid slanting/damaging pins.