Product analysis: innovaphone VoIP products 2010
Copyright © 2010 by ComConsult Technologie Information GmbH
Page 18
The PBX now also supports ‘Dual Forking’.
Multiple numbers can be stored for one and
the same user in addition to his extension
number – no matter whether the numbers are
internal or external to the PBX.
Dual Forking is needed to ensure reasonable
integration in the Microsoft OCS, as this is the
only way a call is signalled to the OCS client
as well as to the telephone.
In addition to the OCS number, other num-
bers can of course also be integrated. For
example, mobile phone numbers or external
numbers such as analogue telephone num-
bers in a home office.
If the extension number is called, then all
other devices or clients whose numbers have
been stored, ring at the same time.
Full integration of the OC soft client into the
innovaphone PBX is thus guaranteed due to
‘Dual Forking’.
This means that the functions dual forking,
CSTA over the gateway and TSIP are sup-
ported when using OCS with the innovapho-
ne PBX. Therefore:
PBS status information is displayed
OCS as CTI user interface for
innovaphone IP phones
Connection of UM functions from the
OCS integration through ‘Dual Forking’
Figure 18: Microsoft OCS Integration