5. Insert the plastic rings of the padded seat in the slots located along the upper edge of the walker
frame. Pass the rings through the slots and tug them until they clear the passage, then release them,
ensuring that they are correctly locked in the position and cannot recede into the slot.
6. Fit the large spoiler on the rear walker frame; simply place it on the housings, located at the rear of
the backrest, and push it firmly in a downward direction, ensuring that it has been fitted in the
correct position. Please do not lift up baby walker with large spoiler. It is dangerous do in this way.
4. Open the baby walker frame in the in-use position, ensuring that all wheels touch the floor. Slowly
raise the tray by polling it in an upward direction, until a click indicates that the frame has been
locked correctly in one of the three positions.
step 4
step 5
step 6