CHILLER 607NT-608NT User manual N - REV20160118_EN.docx
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Air conditioning unit must be overseen (also through suitable protection devices) as
any eventual breaking of fittings or pipes carrying seawater may have disastrous effects on
the boat (from room engine flooding to boat sinking, considering the seawater flow through
the unit ranges from 2 to 4 m3/h).
Fresh water to fan coils.
Filling the system for the 1st time, a 10-20% percentage of glycol must
be added to the fresh water, and then this proportion must be maintained along the system’s
life. Assure the fresh water circuit is clean before filling it. Should water contain parts bigger
than 0.8 mm a 16-20 mesh filter must be installed upstream the exchanger inlet, before the
fresh water inlet. Check regularly that the filter is not clogged.
Before starting the unit check that water circulation is correct. After a shut-down you are
advised before starting the pumps to rotate manually the pump shaft (2-3 rounds).
Air-conditioning system shall not be used during navigation as long as seawater conditions or
boat high speed could unprime the pump.
All the hydraulic lines, including the unit, must be kept free from water following system shut-
down, whenever the ambient temperature could go below 0°C
(Only qualified technicians can perform maintenance)
Check at least once a year, after shutting off the main breaker, the state of all the
electrical connections and circuit breakers of the air conditioning system, cleaning and
repairing as necessary. These devices are exposed to salty air and suffer over time from
corrosion and general wear. High resistance caused by corroded, bent or worn
connectors results in high resistance which causes overheating, which further amplifies
the power drop. This is not only creates conditions for a potential fire, but causes
electrical equipment to work harder, resulting in reduced life span of equipments. We
recommend that you buy only the highest quality power cord and connectors.
If applied to the Cupronickel condenser check the zinc anode condition at least every
three months or more frequently depending on its rate of wear. It shall be replaced as
wearing is more than 50%. If the anode metal surface is shining that means the wearing
is very fast maybe due to electrolysis problem.
Check seasonally that the flow switch is working properly. In every chilling unit there is a
flow switch at the fresh water inlet. As water volume decreases below 1- 0.8 m3/h the
compressor must stop within 10 s. This test has to be carried out in every chilling unit,
checking that without water flow the compressor does not start and the relevant alarm
code is displayed. Should compressor start working in this situation, stop it immediately
and contact the closest authorized Innova Service.
Clean at least once a season the Cupronickel heat exchanger on seawater side. Do
not use any chemicals that might corrode the inner pipes.
Fan coil: safety rules
Do not install fan coil (air suction) in engine room or any other place where vapour from
fuel, battery, bilge and any other toxic or harmful substance could be introduced in
occupied areas.
Do not install fan coil in rooms where there are flammable fluids.
The condensate drain pipe must end in an environment free from any toxic or harmful
Keep the condensate drain pipe end at least 3 m away from the engines exhausts.
Do not install the fan coil above any electrical and electronic equipment or device, as
water could accidentally drop to it.
Check and clean monthly the draining system efficiency, as well as condensate pan
and pipe.
Check and clean monthly the air suction filters. If they are clogged also the finned heat
exchanger must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
Make sure air flows correctly through the fan coil; fan coil's suction and discharge shall
be free from any obstructions. Any eventual obstructions may cause fan motor