CHILLER 607NT-608NT User manual N - REV20160118_EN.docx
Page 12 of 18
All the following operation parameters are continuously checked:
Discharge compressor gas temperature
(analogical input TM2).
Compressor head temperature
(analogical input TM4).
Suction compressor gas temperature
(analogical input TM6).
Circulation water inlet temperature
(analogical input TI21).
Circulation water outlet temperature
(analogical input TI20).
Seawater condenser inlet
(analogical input TI23).
Seawater condenser outlet
(analogical input TI22).
Suction compressor gas pressure
(analogical input PR1).
Circulation fan coils water flow
(digital input DI1).
Gas discharge pressure
(digital input DM1).
Gas suction pressure
(digital input DM2).
Driver SSPM temperature
(analogical input SSPM).
Through the parameters analysis and by algorithms the controller manages the operation in
cooling and heating mode.
Abnormal operations (values out from the defined ranges) are immediately detected and
displayed, and the unit modifies the operation or stops working under defined conditions. It is
possible to verify and reset the alarm from the display panel.