15 second cutoff:
If the “ ” bu�on is held for 15 seconds or
longer the product LED will flash 10 �mes and
then stop firing un�l the
“ ”
bu�on is released
and pressed again.
Check Atomizer:
If there is no atomizer a�ached, or the atomizer
is not connected properly, or resistance is 3.5 Ohm
or above, the OLED screen will display:
Short Circuit/Atomizer Protec�on:
Short Circuit/Atomizer Protec�on protects the
product against shorted atomizers and will
stop the unit from func�oning in unsafe
The CoolFire ULTRA features automa�c real-�me
atomizer Ohms detec�on. If the resistance of the
atomizer is lower than 0.07Ω, the LED will light
solidly for 5 seconds, the Ohms bar will blink and
the CoolFire ULTRA will not power on.
Low Voltage Warning:
The Red LED and Ba�ery bar will blink 8 �mes
when the ba�ery capacity is lower than 6.6V
and the CoolFire
ULTRA will automa�cally
power off. Recharge the device immediately to
maintain ba�ery health.
Ohms Meter, Ba�ery Level Indicator & Puff
With an atomizer a�ached, hold both the “+”
and “-” bu�ons simultaneously and the secondary
screen will display the precise resistance of the
a�ached atomizer, the ba�ery voltage and the
number of puffs since the device was last
turned off.
Flavor and vapor produc�on will change
depending on your selec�on; this allows you
to tailor your vaping experience even further
than just wa�age or temperature. The
op�mal RampUp wa�age se�ng will vary
according to the type of coil and tank that you
are using. Experience more flavors and be�er
vapor from your favorite eliquids!