Targeted rejuvenation techniques
User instructions
Please watch the included instructional DVD before using your Skin-
Note: Make sure you selected the appropriate Diamond Tip™ and
placed it onto the wand. Refer to the Diamond Tip™ chart and kit as-
sembly instructions on the previous page.
Plug in the unit. Set the suction control between level 1 and 5
(where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest setting). We recommend
starting with the lowest setting using the fine Diamond Tip™ and
increase the setting after a few uses, depending on your comfort
level and skin sensitivity.
Place the wand with Diamond Tip™ over the area to be treated.
You must have full contact with the flat part of the tip (edge) on
your skin at all times in order to get the suction effect, otherwise
you will not receive the full benefit of SkinClinic microdermabra-
Do not press the Diamond Tip™ firmly against the face. Use
smooth, even strokes. Do not stroke more than 3 times in one
area. Depending on your comfort level, you may use short or long
strokes. When using, stretch the skin with your free hand and let
the tip and suction do the work for you.
On uneven areas, like nose or hands, make sure to turn/rotate the
wand so the Diamond Tip™ stays in full contact with the skin.
Treatment may be repeated twice a week, or as needed, depend-
ing on your skin sensitivity.
Note: you may experience some redness and/or skin sensitivity after
treatments. This is normal. It should fade shortly after treatment. If
you continue to have discomfort and redness of the skin, lower the
suction setting and frequency of use until your skin can comfortably
recover from treatments. Give your skin a rest for a few days.
Neck area
Set suction control between level 1 and 5
(where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest set-
ting). We recommend starting with the low-
est setting (with the fine Diamond Tip™) and
increase the setting after a few uses as your
comfort level and skin sensitivity allow.
Using smooth downward strokes, work the
neck area as illustrated.
Forehead, cheeks and Chin
Set suction control between level 1 and 5
(where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest set-
ting). We recommend starting with the low-
est setting (with the fine Diamond Tip™) and
increase the setting after a few uses as your
comfort level and skin sensitivity allow.
Firmly stroke from the center outwards to-
wards the hairline. Continue down around the
face border as illustrated.