Step 1: Select the Output:
To make a connection between an input and an output, you scroll through each available output and then
assign it an input. This may seem backwards at first, but when you think about it more carefully, you will
see that it is not. A routing matrix switcher can have one input going to several outputs simultaneously, but
an output can only have one input (unless you want to see multiple image on top of each other). Therefore,
it is more logical to select the output and then the input you would like to connect to that output.
Use the Up and Down scroll buttons to select the output, jj, you would like to switch. The Down button
selects the next output until you reach kk. After kk, the output selected begins at
again. The Up button
selects the previous output.
Step 2: Select the Input:
Once the desired output is selected, you need to enter the number of the input you would like to connect to
that output. You will notice that there is a blinking cursor over the input xx that is currently connected to
output jj. The blinking cursor indicates that you can change this by using the number buttons to enter the
desired input. It is always best to enter a two digit number, such as 03, 12, or 05. The number you can
enter ranges from 00 to yy (Actually, you can enter any number from 00 to 99, but the switch will not
execute if the number is greater than yy).
To blank an output, connect input 00 to that output. This disconnects the selected
output, that is no input is connected to that output.
It is important to note that a switch is not executed until the ENTER/SELECT button is pushed.
Therefore, if you punch in the wrong number, do not worry. All you have to do is re-enter the two digit
number of the input you would like to connect to the selected output.
Step 3: Execute the Switch:
Now that you have selected the output and the input you want to connect to that output, you need to push
the ENTER/SELECT button to execute the switch. This step is very important; otherwise, as soon as you
select another output, the selected connection will be erased.
Multiple Group Switching:
If you have configured your PATHFINDER with multiple groups (see Board Configuration on page 13 for
more details), you will need to select the group prior to making a switch. In the previous diagram,
shows the selected group number. When a switch is made with the front panel, the input to output
connection is made to the boards in the current group only.
The NEXT button is used to select the next group. After the last group is reached, it returns to Group 1