RS-232 C
The PATHFINDER has two 9 pin RS-232 ports which will accept serial commands from a control system,
computer serial port, or any other device capable of sending out serial ASCII commands at compatible baud
rates. All switching, configuration and set-up parameters can be controlled using RS-232 commands. A
few functions cannot be accomplished from the front control panel and are available only through RS-232
Load and Switch All Output Ports
Executive Mode: Disable Access to Configuration Menus from the Front Control Panel
Getting Firmware Information on the Microcontroller
Details on the commands above and a complete listing of RS-232 codes is included on pages 18 and 19.
Communication Protocol:
The baud rate that the PATHFINDER operates is selectable from 1200 to 19,200 baud (see RS-232 BAUD
Rate on page 10). Communication parameters are as follows:
1200 baud (Factory default setting)
No Parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
Protocol Structure:
All commands sent to the unit must contain a leading character, the actual command, and an ending
character. Each command must be completely executed by the PATHFINDER before it will accept a new
command. When a command is executed, the unit provides the response [OK] to indicate that the command
was received and executed. Do not sent a new command until the [OK] is received, otherwise there may be
a conflict. The response [ERR] indicates that there was a problem and the command was not executed.
The PATHFINDER can recognize one of four sets of leading and ending characters, also called the
Command Codes. These are:
[ ]
{ }
( )
< >. The factory default for the Command
Code is [ ]. The Command code can be changed from the Front Control Panel (see Command Code on
page 11)
A complete command string consists of:
The leading character
The actual command.
The ending character
Some sample command codes follow:
Recall setup memory 1
Set RGB Delay to 3 seconds