IN3213 / IN3262 OPERATION MANUAL - REV 1.1 09/05/00 ©1996, 1997 - INLINE, INC.
This section offers step-by-step instructions for installing the IN3213 / IN3262. A detailed application drawing
showing all equipment connections is included on the next page.
1. Turn the computer and computer monitor off. Disconnect the computer monitor (if present) from the
video output port on the computer.
2. Connect the IN3213 / IN3262 input cable to the computer’s video output port.
IN3213 - On Sun, SGI and many other high resolution workstations the
video output port is a 13W3 connector which looks like this:
IN3262 - On PC compatibles computers with VGA, SVGA or XGA output,
the video output port is a 15-Pin HD connector which looks like this:
3. Connect the local computer monitor (if present) to Output #1 on the IN3213 / IN3262 distribution
amplifier. If no local monitor is connected to Output #1, a termination plug may be required as detailed
IN3213 Used with Sun - The default mode is 61KHz if no local monitor is connected. If you wish
to emulate a different mode, connect the appropriate Sun monitor to Output #1 or manually set the
computer to a different resolution.
IN3213 Used with SGI - An SGI local monitor must be connected to Output #1 for proper
IN3262 Use an IN9031 15-pin HD VGA terminator plug. This emulates a color VGA monitor.
4. Connect a second compatible data display to Output #2 using the appropriate high resolution coaxial
extension cable as listed below:
IN8412 - 13W3 Extension Cable, 12’ long
IN8425 - 13W3 Extension Cable, 25’ long
The following cable combinations are suggested to maintain video bandwidth on
the longest cable runs:
Cable run of 50’ to 75’: IN9072 to IN9070 to IN7150-4 to IN9070 to IN9073
Cable run of 100’ or more: IN9072 to IN9070 to IN7200-4 Series Ultra High
Resolution Cable (available in lengths up to 250’) to IN9070 to IN9073
IN8000 Series VGA Extension Cables, available in lengths from 3’ to 100’.
5. Connect the round connector on the IN9204 9VDC, 500mA power supply to the POWER input jack
(located on the end panel of the distribution amp, on the same end as the monitor loop cable.) Connect
the power adapter box side of the power supply to the A/C power source.
6. Complete the installation by turning the computer and computer monitor on.