InisBofin Insert Roomheater
Method 2
Air Requirement
Due to the increase in building
air tightness particular attention
must be paid to the availability
of sufficient combustion air, for
the safe and proper operation of
the stove. A minimum of 75 sq. cm
of vent is required for the stove.
The vent must be of a permanently
opened design. It must cross the
cavity to the outside, on external
walls and must be weather
resistant to prevent in ingress of
moisture. The vent must not be
located at a position in the room
that will result in an air current
traversing through normally
occupied areas of the room.
Care must also be taken to ensure
that the vent cannot be blocked by
object left against the wall
outside or debris like leaf litter
A larger vent is required if there
is an appliance like an extractor
fan or tumble drier in an
adjoining room. To ascertain if
more venting is required, these
appliances should be operated
together and all external windows
and doors closed to detect
spillage into the room from the
stove. If a chimney draught
stabilizer is fitted to the
chimney, a larger vent is required
of at least 8.5 sq. cm per Kw of
output over 5kw.