Intégration Guide_iUI120
Copyright © 2013 Ingenico
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Loading by USB key
With the USB key loading method, the software is loaded locally with no need for a
PC type tool.
The loading time is identical to that of the USB.
Terminal Management Server (TMS)
For a complete description of the TMS possibilities, refer to the "TMS" section.
Loading and management of memory space in system unit
Before a (down)load, the system ensures that the necessary memory space is
The software (possibly compressed) are downloaded to flash.
If software is deleted, the system frees the space. If software is upgraded, the system
loads the new software, checks it, and deletes the old version.
The entire memory area is used and is usable. No area is reserved for upgrades.
On start-up of the terminal (power up or reset), the applications are decompressed
and the code is copied to RAM.
Improved software downloading
Includes the following characteristics:
Softwares are loaded by FTP TCP/IP and PPP for optimized loading.
Downloading performance in V32bis is around 1.4 kbps on the original files.
Once the connection is set up with the V32bis modem, a 120 Kbytes
application is downloaded in around 1 minute.
Automatic dialling and access to downloading server by switched telephone
network (STN) or by X25 (TRANSPAC, in France) using a public PAD or
private PAD access.
Downloading can be performed in IP mode via Ethernet via a secure channel
Data is compressed in accordance with an algorithm derived from the Lempel-
Ziv method ensuring compression rates of the order of 40 %.
For downloading, only the improved application will be downloaded.
This management function is handled by the system unit itself and not by the
remote server, providing enhanced functional security in a multiple source
loading context.
Recovery management in the event of loss of communication. This service
resumes the downloading which has been interrupted at the exact location
where the interruption took place, so that only the missing portion is
downloaded when the communication is recovered.
The downloaded software is run in a secure context by authenticity check.