900011533 R11 000 02/1613
Copyright © 2013 Ingenico
All rights reserved
A battery indicator is provided on the
terminal display, indicating the charge level
of the terminal battery.
The terminal can also be charged using a charger (supplied as an accessory). The charger
has to be plugged on the micro-USB connector.
Terminal in its environment
icmp is a mobile terminal. Always place the terminal away from any source of heat and
protected from dust, vibrations and electromagnetic radiations (away from beamers, anti-
shoplifting barriers, ...).
Cardholder should always enter PIN (Personal Identification Number) in such a way to make
PIN spying impossible.
Power on
To power on the terminal press the side key located on the right hand side
of the terminal.
icmp powers off on its own after a time that you may set via the terminal
In case you wish to manually power off the terminal, press “-“ key +
yellow key simultaneously for a few seconds. This action is only
possible when the terminal is not in charging mode.
Would reboot of your terminal be required, unplug all cables,
then press “-“ key + yellow key simultaneously for a few
seconds, as indicated above.
Would this action fail to switch off the terminal, a paper clip
will be needed to press the reboot switch at the back of the
terminal. The zone to target is identified on the label with a
little circle.
Reboot the terminal using the reboot switch may cause loss of application data. Make sure
you have finished operation before it.
Set the required sleep mode & auto-off times parameters to your terminal usage for
optimum Terminal autonomy