Heater does not glow
Low heat output
Heater does not work
• Check supply voltage to confirm it matches voltage of heating element.
• A 240V element connected to 110V or 208V will warm, but not glow orange or
generate sufficient heat for typical applications (Matching your voltage is extremely
important). If element is visibly orange, but there is insufficient heat, refer to the
areas covered with respect to conditions and mounting heights.
• Replace or clean dirty or non reflective reflectors.
• Disconnect power and check element with an ohm meter for continuity. If there is
any continuity across the bulb, the problem is in the wiring/controls.
• Check that there is proper voltage to the heater.
• Check that the control/switch is working.
• Check main power circuit breaker.
• Check wiring for a loose connection or burned wire.
Unless heaters are installed over 12' (3.7m) high, it is generally recommended that all radiant heaters be mounted
on an angle to assure that radiant warmth is distributed from the sides rather than straight down on the heads and
shoulders of the people being warmed.
Angle fixture 30º to 60º from
horizontal face down. Best
angle is approximately 45º.
Install fixture to heat the area from the “cold
side” if possible. This helps compensate for
increased body heat losses due to exposure.
Warm floors reradiate heat. Warmer air
rises from floor. Some heat reflects from
floor. Mounting a heater directly over a table
or other obstruction will block the energy,
primarily heating the object. It is best to
move heater to the side, allowing complete
body and floor coverage.
When outdoors, hang heater
under protective roof or weather
cover whenever possible. Even
though heater is all-weather
construction, it will last longer
and look better if it is protected
from rain and snow.