What You Can Expect To Happen In the Sauna
Don’t expect to sweat right away when you enter the sauna. For someone who has just started
having a sauna,
it can take a while to start sweating noticeably.
As you use the sauna more regularly, you’ll notice that you sweat more quickly and profusely. At
some point, if you persist, you’ll likely become a champion sweater. The more you sweat, the
more you have to drink to make up for the loss.
Some people don’t sweat in the sauna initially.
If you’re new to the sauna, you might find you don’t sweat at all the first few times, or even the
first several times! That may sound strange, but some people have suppressed sweating
mechanisms due to past pesticide exposure or other toxic exposures.
If that’s the case for you, take things slowly, realizing that you won’t be able to tolerate the
sauna as long or get the same benefits from it without sweating. As you keep at it, the problem
should correct itself and your ability to sweat will return.
Also remember that you have to be well hydrated to get a good sweat going. If you’re not
sweating as well as usual in the sauna, try drinking some more water.