Click this button again to cancel. Note: before
video call, the
button can only appear
when "Enable sub stream" is turned on in the Call
Settings. Please refer to section for
Full size display
Click "Full screen display" to display video in full
size. Double - click video screen can also achieve
full screen display. Click this again to cancel full
screen displaying.
Layout switch
There are three pictures in video call, which are:
video sent from the opposite end (displayed on
the main interface by default), local video
(displayed on the lower right corner by default),
and sub stream screen (displayed on the right
side by default).
Click "Layout switch" to choose which screen to
be in main interface.
It can be achieved by clicking video screen.
Show video
Click "Show video parameters" and it will display
local and opposite video parameters. Click it
again to cancel. Note: it needs to enable "Show
video parameters" in call Settings.