- 19 / 25 -
The product also supports RS-232 control. You need a serial cable with RS-232 male head and
DB9 transfer USB male head. The RS-232 head of the serial cable is connected to the RS-232
control port with DB 9 at the rear of the Matrix, and the USB head of the serial cable is connected
to a PC. The connection method is as follows:
Then, open a Serial Command tool on PC to send ASCII command to control the Matrix.
11. RS-232 Control Command
The ASCII command list about the product is shown as below.
ASCII Command
Serial port protocol. Baud rate: 115200, Data bits: 8bit, Stop bits:1, Check bit: 0
x - Parameter 1
y - Parameter 2
! - Delimiter
Command Code
Function Description
Default Setting
s power z!
Power on/off the device,z=0~1
(z=0 power off, z=1 power on)
Power on
System Initializing...
Initialization Finished!
FW version x.xx.xx
r power!
Get current power state
power on/power off
s reboot!
Reboot the device
System Initializing...
Initialization Finished!
FW version x.xx.xx
List all commands
r type!
Get device model
r status!
Get device current status
Get the unit all status:
power, beep, lock, in/
out connection, video/
audio crosspoint,
edid, scaler,hdcp,
network status
power on
System Setup
s power 1!
r power!
s reboot!
r type!
r status!
r fw version!
Get Firmware version
MCU BOOT:Vx.xx.xx
MCU APP :Vx.xx.xx
SUB1 APP :Vx.xx.xx
SUB2 APP :Vx.xx.xx
CPLD APP :Vx.xx.xx
WEB GUI :Vx.xx
r fw version!