FM4 S6E2CC Series External Memory Programmer
Document No. 002-04471 Rev. *B
The connection is shown in the following figure. Connect the target board with the PGM through lines
Figure 3. Line connection
Or the user can use the standard 20-pin cable as shown in the following figure:
Figure 4. 20-pin cable
SD Card insertion
Insert the SD card into the SD socket correctly.
Please set the Mode 0 pin of the target board to high and set Mode 1 pin to low.
Power on the PGM, if there is no SD card in the socket; no LED will be turned on.
If there is an SD card in the socket and there is correct program.ini file in the SD card, 3 LEDs will be turned on.
If there is an SD card in the socket but the program.ini file is not correct, LED1 will be on as shown in the following