Document No. 002-04471 Rev. *B
FM4 S6E2CC Series External
Memory Programmer
Targeted Product: FM4 MCU S6E2CC
This user manual describes how to use the FMx MCU Universal Programmer (named as PGM hereinafter) to act as
an off-line programmer for Quad SPI flash memory programming on the Orion SK.
Introduction ............................................................... 1
About Document .............................................. 1
About Off-line Programmer .............................. 1
About FMx MCU .............................................. 1
Programmer Feature ....................................... 1
Component ............................................................... 2
PGM Board ...................................................... 2
Configuration File Format ................................ 5
Operation Process .................................................... 7
SWD Programming Process ............................ 7
Maintenance ........................................................... 10
Reference Documents ............................................ 10
Document History ................................................... 11
About Document
This user manual describes how to use the FMx MCU Universal Programmer (named as PGM hereinafter) to act as
an off-line programmer for Quad SPI flash memory programming on the Orion SK.
About Off-line Programmer
With the off-line programmer, the user can update the external memory on the board under the software control
without removing the mounted memory chip from the actual end product.
About FMx MCU
Spansion’s FM microcontrollers incorporate the latest ARM
Cortex™ standard cores (M4, M3, M0+ and R4), offering
customers the optimal product for a wide range of industrial and consumer applications. The scalable platform ranges
from low-pin-count, low-power microcontrollers to high-performance products with a rich set of peripherals.
Outstanding performance
Functional safety
High-performance flash memory
Advanced peripherals
Now there are 13 different types of MCU in FM3 family. For FM4, the type number is 4, and FM0+ is 1. For all these
different types of MCUs, there are 3 types of flash structure: Main, Dual, and Main + Work. This enables the
customers to choose the appropriate MCU for the application according to the flash structure.
The Orion is one type FM4 MCU of FMx MCU.
Programmer Feature
The main features of this programmer are as follows:
Support the Quad SPI Flash programming on the Orion SK.
Program interface: SWD.