™ lite Kit V2
Hardware Description
Board Users Manual
Revision October, 2020
Power Supply
™ lite Kit V2 must be supplied by an external DC power supply, this can be done via the DC plug X3
(recommended voltage range +7
V…+14 V) or via the micro USB plug X4 (+5 V).
The green Power LED4 indicates the presence of the generated 3.3 V supply voltage.
For X3 you can use a female DC supply plug with outside diameter of 5.5 mm and inside diameter of 2.1 mm or
2.5 mm. The inner contact is positive and the outer contact is ground.
In case that the board is powered via the micro USB plug X4, the used voltage will be always less than 5 V (~4.5
V) because the USB voltage is protected by a schottky diode (D1). Therefore also it is possible to use X3 and X4
on the same time. As long the voltage on X3 is higher than +7 V the board is powered via X3. If the voltage on X3
is less than +5.5 V the board is powered via X4. B5.5 V and +7 V on X3 the board is powered from X3
and X4 together.
If the board is powered via a USB plug and/or the DC plug
, it’s not recommended to apply an additional power
supply to one of the power pins (VEXT, +5V, +3V3, VDD_USB) on the pin headers X1, X2, the Arduino Power
header X302, the Shield2GO slots or the mikroBus
™ connectors, because there is no protection against reverse
current into the external power supply. These power pins can furthermore be used, to power an external circuit
and therefore used as an output. But care must be taken to not draw more current than USB can deliver. A PC
as USB2.0 host typically can deliver up to 500 mA current and USB3.0 up to 900 mA. For best performance, we
recommend to use USB3.0. If higher currents are required and in order to avoid damages on the USB host, the
use of an external USB power supply unit, which is able to deliver higher currents, is possible.
The LDO G1, that transfers the 5 V to 3.3 V, and LDO G2, that transfers VIN to 5 V, has a maximum output
current rating of 1 A. Therefore, the maximum current consumption is limited to 1 A. Do not apply any additional
voltage on the supply pins, because they are directly connected to the output of the LDO G1/G2 and further
backwards voltage can damage or destroy the LDO. Furthermore, do not apply multiple sources on the power
pins, otherwise you risk to damage and destroy the board.
However, more options are possible, but therefore, caution is necessary, to avoid any damage to the board and
your supplies. Please ensure that X4 is
supplied by any power source or PC, for all mentioned configurations
below. Otherwise,
you risk to damage your source or PC
Ensuring the mentioned points, following supply options are possible with a +5 V power source:
Option 1: 5 V on the +5V pin at X302 Arduino power connector
Option 2: 5 V on either one of the VDD_USB pins at X1 or X2 connector
Option 3: 7
V…+14 V on the VIN pin at X302 Arduino power connector