™ lite Kit V2
Hardware Description
Board Users Manual
Revision October, 2020
™ lite Kit V2
provide a RJ45 connector (X5) for twisted pair ethernet connections.The board use a
DP83825I Low Power 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver from Texas Instruments as physical
interface device. For more information about the ethernet modul see AURIX
User’s Manual, about the PHY
see the DP83825I datasheet from TI website.
For the connection between AURIX
™ and PHY is used RMII.
For the MD connection (e.g. for PHY configuration) there is used P21.2 and P21.3.
Optional Cypress Semper
™ (Secure) Flash
™ lite Kit V2
provide the possibility to assemble an external flash. Usable devices are Cypress
™ NOR Flash Device Family S25HL and Cypress Semper™ Secure NOR Flash Device Family S35HL in
SOIC-16 package. For more information about the flashs please see
. If you assemble a
flash then assemble also the ceramic capacitor C64 with 100 nF (size 0603) and the resistor R67 with 0
Ω (size
0603). In case of use a Semper
™ Secure NOR Flash you can also assemble the resistor R67 with 0 Ω (size 0603)
to connect the interrupt output of the flash to the AURIX
™ pin P20.9 (SCU_REQ7 on TC3X5; SCU_REQ11 on
™ support only single SPI protocol, Dual and Quad SPI protocol is not possible.
The flash is connected to P22.0, P22.1, P22.3 (QSPI4 on TC3X5; QSPI3 on TC2X5). Pin P22.2 (Slave Select
Output 3 of QSPI4 on TC3X5; Slave Select Output 12 of QSPI3 on TC2X5) is used as slave select.
Please note that the used QSPI is shared with the optional F-RAM (see
Optional F-RAM
™ lite Kit V2
provide the possibility to assemble an external serial F-RAM. Usable devices are
Cypress F-RAM FM25VN10-G and Cypress F-RAM Serie CY15B in SOIC-8 package. For more information about
the F-RAMs please see
If you assemble F-RAM then assemble also the ceramic capacitor C65 with 100 nF (size 0603).
The F-RAM is connected to P22.0, P22.1, P22.3 (QSPI4 on TC3X5; QSPI3 on TC2X5). Pin P23.1 (Slave Select
Output 6 of QSPI4 on TC3X5; Slave Select Output 13 of QSPI3 on TC2X5) is used as slave select.
Unfortunately there is no connection on pin 3 (#WP) and pin 7 (#HOLD) of the F-RAM. Please check the datasheet
if the used F-RAM has internal weak pull-up connected or need an external connection to VDD. If external
connection is needed then make such a connection via wire wrap line.
Please note that the used QSPI is shared with the optional flash (see