Dimming actuator for LED (RGB) strips, 3-channel
02-37/2015 Rev.2
Made in Czech Republic
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Light scene function 2 /
Description of light scene 2 /
a) By pressing the programmed button for less than 3 s, the light illuminates; it
goes out by pressing again.
b) In order to limit undesirable control of brightness, fluid brightness control oc
curs only by pressing a programmed button for over 3 s. After releasing the but
ton, the brightness level is saved in the memory, and pressing the button shortly
later will switch the light on/off to this intensity.
c) It is possible to readjust the change in intensity at any time by pressing the
programmed button for over 3 s.
The actuator remembers the adjusted value even after disconnecting from the
power supply.
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Light scene function 3 /
Description of light scene 3 /
a) By pressing the programmed button for less than 0.5 s, the light fluidly illumi
nates for a period of 3 s (at 100% brightness). By pressing the button shortly
again, the light will continuously switch off for 3 seconds.
b) By pressing the programmed button for more than 0.5 s, fluid brightness regu
lation will occur. After releasing the button, the brightness level is saved in the
memory, and pressing the button shortly later will switch the light on /off to
this intensity.
c) It is possible to readjust the change in intensity at any time by a long press of
the programmed button.
The actuator remembers the adjusted value even after disconnecting from the
power supply.
Programming /
Press of programming but
ton on actuator RFDA-73M/
RGB for 1 second will activate
actuator RFDA-73M/RGB into
programming mode. LED is
flashing in 1s interval.
Three presses of your selected
button on the RF transmitter as
signs the function light scene 3
(must be a lapse of 1 s between
individual presses).
Press of programming button
on actuator RFDA-73M/RGB
shorter then 1 second will fin
ish programming mode. The
LED lights up according to the
pre-set memory function.
Light scene function 4 /
Description of light scene 4 /
a) By pressing the programmed button for less than 0.5 s, the light illuminates.
By pressing the button shortly again, the light will continuously switch off for
3 seconds (at 100% brightness).
b) By pressing the programmed button for more than 0.5 s, fluid brightness regu
lation will occur. After releasing the button, the brightness level is saved in the
memory, and pressing the button shortly later will switch the light on /off to
this intensity.
c) It is possible to readjust the change in intensity at any time by a long press of
the programmed button.
The actuator remembers the adjusted value even after disconnecting from the
power supply.
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Programming /
Press of programming but
ton on actuator RFDA-73M/
RGB for 1 second will activate
actuator RFDA-73M/RGB into
programming mode. LED is
flashing in 1s interval.
Two presses of your selected
button on the RF transmitter as
signs the function light scene 2
(must be a lapse of 1 s between
individual presses).
Press of programming button
on actuator RFDA-73M/RGB
shorter then 1 second will fin
ish programming mode. The
LED lights up according to the
pre-set memory function.
Trokanalni dimer za LED (RGB) trake
U-Energister, d.o.o.| Noveških interniraca 1V | 31000 Užice | Serbia | e-mail: [email protected]
U-Energister, d.o.o. | Norveških interniraca 1V | 31000 Užice | Republika Srbija | e-mail: [email protected]
Support: +381 63 479 880 |
Tehnička podrška +381 63 479 880
Funkcija svetlosne scene 2
Opis funkcije svetlosne scene 2
a) Pritiskom na isprogramiranjo taster kraće od 3s, uključuje se svetlo, drugim
pritiskom se isključuje.
b) Da bi se sprečina neželjena kontrola osvetljenosti, osvetljenost se reguliše
samo pritiskom na isprogramirani taster duže od 3s. Kada se taster otpusti,
intenzitet osvetljenosti se čuva u memoriji, ponovnim pritiskom na taster
svetlo se uključuje/isključuje na tom podešenom intenzitetu.
c) Promena intenziteta se može restartovati u bilo kom trenutku dugim pri
tiskom na isprogramirani taster duže od 3s.
Uređaj pamti zadati intenzitet osvetljenosti čak i nakon prestanka napajanja.
Funkcija svetlosne scene 3
Opis funkcije svetlosne scene 3
a) Pritiskom na isprogramirani taster kraće od 0,5s, svetlo neprekidno svetli
3s (pri jačini od 100% osvetljenosti). Sa još jednim kratkim pritiskom, svetlo
se neprekidno gasi 3s.
b) Pritiskom na isprogramirani taster duže od 0,5s, kontinuirano se reguliše
osvetljenost. Kada se taster otpusti, intenzitet osvetljenosti se čuva u me
moriji i ponovnim pritiskom na taster se uključuje/isključuje svetlo na taj
c) Promena intenziteta može se podesiti u bilo kom trenutku dugim pritiskom
na isprogramirani taster.
Uređaj pamti zadati intenzitet osvetljenosti čak i nakon prestanka napajanja.
Pritiskom na taster PROG na
u trajanju od 1s, element se
prebacuje u režim programi
ranja. LED lampica trepće u
intervalima od 1s.
Pritiskom 3x na taster po va
šem izboru na RF kontroleru
dodeljuje se funkcija svetla
scene 3 ( između svakog pri
tiska tastera mora biti razmak
od 1s).
Pritiskom na taster PROG na
RFDA-73M/RBG kraće od 1s,
završava se režim programi
ranja. LED svetli u skladu sa
podešenom funkcijom me
Funkcija svetlosne scene 4
Opis funkcije svetlosne scene 4
a) Pritiskom na isprogramirani taster kraće od 0,5s, svetlo će se uključiti. Još
jednim kratkim pritiskom, svetlo će se neprekidno gasiti 3s (pri jačini 100%
b) Pritiskom na isprogramirani taster duže od 0,5s, kontinualno se reguliše
osvetljenost. Kada se otpusti taster, intenzitet osvetljenosti se čuva u me
moriji. Ponovnim kratkim pritiskom na taster svetlo se uključuje/isključuje
na tom podešenom intenzitetu.
c) Promena intenziteta može se podesiti u bilo kom trenutku dugim pritiskom
na isprogramirani taster.
Uređaj pamti zadati intenzitet osvetljenosti čak i nakon prestanka napajanja.
Pritiskom na taster PROG na
u trajanju od 1s, element se
prebacuje u režim programi
ranja. LED lampica trepće u
intervalima od 1s.
Pritiskom 2x na taster po va
šem izboru na RF kontroleru
dodeljuje se funkcija svetla
scene 2 ( između svakog pri
tiska tastera mora biti razmak
od 1s).
Pritiskom na taster PROG na
RFDA-73M/RBG kraće od 1s,
završava se režim programi
ranja. LED svetli u skladu sa
podešenom funkcijom me