Click on the “Next” bu on and follow the installa on wizard prompts as needed.
Please allow the installa on wizard to install the so ware in the default loca on when prompted.
You may be prompted to allow installa on from an unknown publisher, click on “Yes” to con nue with installa on.
Allow the installa on program to complete.
On the Windows desktop you will
nd a “Nitrous Power Controller” icon.
Double click to start the so ware.
When the so ware is installed a link to start the so ware will also be placed in the program start menu. The installa on pro
gram also creates a link to un
install the so ware. If you no longer wish to have it installed or you need to remove a previous version
before upda ng to a more current version you may select this link from the All Programs/Induc on Solu ons selec on.