Step 1: First Command;
Write the X and Y values (Y only when learning a position) into registers 45891,
45892 (1702h, 1703h) and 45893, 45894 (1704h, 1705h) respectively.
Step 2: Second Command;
Write the “add to table” (010) command, or the “add learned table position” (101)
command to register 45889 (1700h).
** To read or delete a table position:
Step 1: First command;
Write the table position number of the position you wish to read or delete to register
45890 (1701h). (Table positions are numbered starting at 0 for the position with the
lowest X value. When a position is added or deleted from the table the table positions
are re-numbered.)
Step 2: Second command;
To delete
the position from the table, write the “delete table position” (100) command
to register 45889 (1700h). – Done –
To read
the table position data point pair, write the “load table position” (011)
command to register 45889 (1700h).
Step 3: Third command;
To read
the table position data point pair, read the contents of registers 45891, 45892
(1702h, 1703h) for X and 45893, 45894 (1704h, 1705h) for Y.