Safety Items prior to operation
Visually inspect the pool prior to retracting or extending the solar blanket.
The pool should be clear of occupants or other items that might conflict with the solar blanket.
When not in use, store the remote control in a secure location in order to prevent
unauthorized operation.
Safety Features
The powered solar blanket reel has operational safety features integrated into a
locking remote control that is designed to prevent unauthorized operation.
Remote Control:
The key fob style remote control is used to extend and retract the solar blanket.
This remote control is activated for use only after both buttons (EXT / RET) are depressed
simultaneously and held for 2 seconds. Once activated, the remote control has a built in 5 minute
timer during which time, operation is possible. After five minutes elapses, the remote will deactivate
and operation will cease. To continue operation, the remote must be activated again.
Activate the remote control by pressing simultaneously and holding both the
seconds. Note: Activating the remote starts a 5-minute timer for system operation.
Operate the System
To retract the solar blanket: press and release the
button on the remote control.
To stop retraction: press and release the
button again. Note: Retraction will also
stop automatically after 90 seconds.
It may be necessary to guide the blanket as it coils onto the reel. This can be done by grasping
the edge of the solar blanket or using the tether.
To extend the solar blanket: press and release the
button on the remote control.
To stop extending the blanket: press and release the
button again.
Note: Extension will also stop automatically after 90 seconds.
It will be necessary to guide the blanket across the pool as it uncoils from the reel. This can be
done by grasping the edge of the solar blanket or using the tether.