CLOCK: The computer will display current time when the computer is in sleep mode.
1. Install 2 AA batteries (included) and computer will beep for 2 seconds (Fig.1).
The computer will enter into the CLOCK & CALENDAR MODE (Fig.2).
2. The CLOCK will flash. Press UP/DOWN to set the hour. Press ENTER to confirm.
Press UP/DOWN to set the minutes. Press ENTER to confirm. Continue to set up YEAR
(displays in the STROKES window); MONTH (displays in the CALORIES window); DAY
(displays in the PULSE window) by pressing UP or DOWN. Each time, press ENTER to confirm.
After setting the CLOCK, the ALARM icon will blink for you to set up an alarm. To skip setting
up an alarm, press ENTER.
To set up an alarm, press UP KEY to turn on ALARM. An arrow will appear next to ALARM.
Press ENTER. CLOCK window will flash. Press UP or DOWN to set the alarm time. Press
ENTER to confirm. Computer will go into the SPORT screen (Fig.3).
3. When you enter into the SPORT screen, MANUAL and RACE will blink. Press UP or DOWN to
select MANUAL or RACE. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
(1) MANUAL (Fig.4):
There are 2 options in MANUAL mode.
A. The computer can be set to countdown.
When you select MANUAL, the value of TIME will start to flash. Press UP/DOWN
to set the value of TIME to countdown. Press ENTER to confirm it. If you do not
want to set the value of time to COUNTDOWN, press ENTER to go to the next
You can set the values for DISTANCE, STROKES, CALORIES, or PULSE. (You
can only set the value for one function to countdown. For example, if you have set
the target value for TIME, then DISTANCE can’t be set.)
Press START button to start. The STOP icon will disappear.
When the function you have selected counts down to zero or you press STOP
button, the computer will stop and display the average value.
B. The computer counts the value of your workout. Press START to start.
(2) RACE (Fig.5)
A. Select RACE mode and L9 will flash. The TIME/500M will display 4:00. Then, press UP
or DOWN to select L1 ~ L15. Press ENTER to confirm. Then, you can set the distance