Gas connection (Appliance category II
Our boilers are built to operate on methane gas (G20) and
LPG. Feed piping must be the same as or larg er than the
3/4"G boiler fi tting. Before making the gas connection,
carefully clean inside all the fuel feed system piping in order
to remove any residuals that could impair good boiler ope-
ration. Also make sure the gas corresponds to boiler speci-
fi cations (see boiler dataplate). If diff erent, the boiler must
be con vert ed for operation with the other type of gas (see
unit conversion in case of gas change). It is also im por tant to
check the dynamic pressure of the gas supply (natural gas or
LPG) to be used for feeding the boiler which must conform,
as insuffi cient pressures can reduce generator power, causing
the user in con ven ienc es.
Ensure that the gas cock connection is carried out correctly,
following the assembly sequence shown in the fi gure. e
gas supply pipe must be suitably dimensioned according to
current standards in order to guarantee correct gas delivery to
the boiler even in conditions of maximum gen er a tor output
and to guarantee the unit’s performance (technical data). e
coupling system must conform to standards.
Gas quality.
e unit is designed to operate with fuel gas free
of impurities; otherwise, suitable fi lters should be installed
ahead of the unit in order to re store fuel purity.
Storage tanks (in case of feed from LPG tank).
- New LPG storage tanks can contain residuals of inert gases
(nitrogen) which weaken the mixture delivered to the unit,
causing anomalous op er a tion.
- Due to the composition of the LPG mixture, lay er ing of
the mixture’s components can occur during the period of
storage in the tanks. is can cause a change in the heating
power of the mixture de liv ered to the unit, with subsequent
variation in its performance.
Water connection.
Before making the connections, all sy-
stem piping must be carefully cleaned to re move any residuals
that could impair boiler effi cien cy. In order to prevent scaling
in the heating system, the provisions contained in standard,
con cern ing the treatment of water in heating systems for
civil use, must be complied with. Water connections must be
made in a rational way, using the connections on the boiler
template. e boiler safety valve outlet must be connected to
a discharge funnel. Otherwise, the manufacturer declines any
responsibility in case of fl ooding if the drain valve cuts in.
Electrical Connection
. e Eolo Mini S boiler is de signed
with IPX4D protection rating. Electrical safe ty of the unit is
guaranteed when correctly connected to an effi cient earthing
system as specifi ed by cur rent safety standards.
: Immergas S.p.A. declines all liability for damage
or physical injury caused by failure to con nect the boiler to
an effi cient earthing system or fail ure to observe reference
Also ensure that the electrical installation cor re sponds to
maximum absorbed power specifi cations as shown on the
boiler dataplate.
Boilers are supplied complete with an “X” type pow er ca-
ble without plug. e power plug must be con nect ed to a
230V-50Hz mains with the correct pole sequence L-N and
the earth connection; the mains must also be equipped with
a multi-pole cir cuit break er with a contact opening gap of
at least 3 mm.
In the event of power cable replacement, contact for example
an Authorised Immergas Service Centre for as sist ance.
e power cable must be laid.
In the event of mains fuse replacement on the con trol card,
use a 2A quick blow fuse. For the main pow er supply to the
appliance, never use adapters, multiple sockets or extension
: when connecting the appliance, if the correct L-N
polarity is not observed the boiler does not de tect the fl ame
and inhibits start-up. Also in the same case, if the neutral
is powered with residual voltage over 30V, the boiler will
probably operate, but only temporarily. Measure the voltage
readings with suit a ble tools; avoid the use of mains tester
screw driv er. If the power supply is phase-phase type at 230V,
to guarantee safe con di tions equivalent to existing con di tions
when the boil er is powered with a Phase-Neu tral mains, an
adaptor kit must be fi tted on the boiler for Phase-Phase
mains, available on request. Con tact an Authorised Immergas
Service Centre for in stal la tion of the kit.
Room thermostat electrical connection On/Off .
Mini S boilers are designed for use with an room thermo-
stat or chronothermostat On/Off . and clock programmer.
If you have only one of these devices, connect to ter mi nals
6 and 9 and remove jumper P1. Whereas if you have both,
connect (TA) on terminals 8 and 9, and (CP) on terminals
6 and 7, after removing P1.
Boiler pipelines must never be used to earth the
electrical or telephone lines. Ensure elimination of this risk
before making the boiler electrical con nec tions.
Installing air intake and fl ue exhaust ter mi nals.
Immergas supplies various solutions separately from the
boiler for the installation of air intake and fl ue extraction,
fundamental for boiler operation.
N.W.: e boiler must be installed exclusively with an
original Immergas air intake and fl ue ex trac tion system
as specifi ed by standards. is system is identifi able by
a special iden ti fi ca tion mark bearing the note: “not for
con dens ing boilers”.
e fl ue ducts have not to be near or in contact with infl am-
mable materials, and they have not to pass through buildings
and walls made of infl ammable materials.
1 - Gas valve
2 - Flat seal
3 - Gas cock
4 - Gas pipe