TA3 - TA3 A - TA3 B - TA3 C - Imit Control System s.r.l.
FIG. 8
Insert the provided tting (see paragraph “Optional Accessories ”) in the knob at the desired limit points (min.
and max.) according to the corresponding values marked on the knob body. Make sure that the metal retainer
remains in its correct position between the min. and max. limit points. ( g.14); Snap the front cover back.
FIG. 14
Position the knob to correspond with the desired temperature value, then separate the base from the cover by
pressing the appropriate retaining tooth. ( g.8) Insert the two special accessories (see chapter “Accessories
upon Request”) on the sides of the metal stop in order to prevent the handle from moving ( g.15); put the lid
back on the product.