TA3 - TA3 A - TA3 B - TA3 C - Imit Control System s.r.l.
Increase or reduce the set temperature value according to the system application
(heating/air-conditioning system)
Put switch onto ON position
Make sure the switch is on
position (heating system) or o
position (air conditioning system)
The ambient temperature does not correspond to the temperature set on the thermostat
Possible cause
Incorrect positioning of the thermostat within the room
Air draughts coming from the electrical wires conduit
Follow the instructions of paragraph “Placement of the thermostat”
Seal the conduit to prevent warm or cold air draughts
Via Varallo Pombia,19
Castelletto Sopra Ticino (NO)
Tel (+39)0331941600
Fax (+39)0331973100
P.IVA IT02223920063
www.imit.it - [email protected]