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One Cursor Measurement is used for measuring the distance and relative bearing to a
target with respect to the transducer origin. When the mouse is moved into the sonar
image display area, the cursor changes from an arrow to a square target cursor. The range
and bearing to the target cursor is displayed in the Range/Bearing Display Box
underneath the sonar image display. If a compass heading is present at the second serial
port, the displayed cursor bearing will include the copmpass heading. The area about the
target cursor is also displayed in the Pixel Zoom window. Clicking the left mouse button
while the cursor is in the sonar image display area captures (freezes) the zoom window
image. Clicking the left button a second time allows normal zoom window updating.
Two Cursor Measurement is used for measuring the distance and relative bearing
between two targets. To invoke two cursor measurement, position the mouse cursor over
a target in the sonar image display area and press the right mouse button. A target origin
cursor is placed at this location. When the mouse is moved, a rubber banded line is drawn
from the target origin cursor to the target cursor. The Range/Bearing Display Box shows
the range and bearing from the transducer origin to the target cursor (
) and the range
and bearing difference (
) between the two cursors. If a compass heading is present at
the second serial port, the displayed cursor bearing will include the copmpass heading.
The displayed range and bearing between the two cursors is always relative to the target
origin cursor. Press the right mouse button again to return to One Cursor Measurement.
No Data at COM?
- no power to the sonar head and/or echo sounder
- cable not connected
- Sonar Head COM port set to the wrong port number
- computer not fast enough to keep up with the head
increase Switch Delay.
Turns Counter
- ROV computer not connected to serial port
- ROV computer is not sending data
- ROV computer not set for 38400,N,8,1
- Depth/Heading/Turns COM port set to the wrong
port number
- ROV computer not sending correct ASCII string