Assembly and Installation
emission condenser
enables a 100 per cent recovery of the solvents led through the
vacuum pump. Cooling takes place via the DN 8 hose nipples. Ensure that the outflow is
clear. The
safety valve
is located at the gas inlet. The rubber valve seal must be checked
for cracks at regular intervals and exchanged when necessary. The exhaust connection must
be unpressurized. The exhaust can be led off through a DN 10 hose into a suitable evacua-
tion duct. There is common solvent reclamation for all the connected systems. Mixing media
must not lead to a hazard for persons, the environment of for the equipment.
Condensable vapours may only be extracted when the pump is at operating temperature.
When doing so, the
gas ballast valve
should be opened and/or a quantity of air, which is to
be calculated by the user, allowed to enter via the suction port valve. The pressure values
may be increased when doing so. The diaphragm pump's maximum tolerance of water va-
pour pressure can be improved or a cleaning run can be made after finishing work by open-
ing the gas ballast valve (this significantly reduces the pumping speed and ultimate pres-
sure). The vacuum ducts must always be laid sloping downwards so that condensates can
flow into the relevant separators.
In case of soiling by solid matter, the pump heads must be opened and the entire interior
space, including valves and diaphragm, cleaned mechanically (
see chapter 7.2.1)
5.3 Storage
The pumps are to be stored in a low-dust, interior room within the temperature range from
+ 5 to + 40 °C and at a relative air humidity < 90%.
Leave the protective elements on the suction and pressure ports. Another equally good pro-
tection may be used.
5.4 Scrap
The laboratory-vacuum-systems must be disposed of in accordance with the
2002/96/EC guideline and the specific national regulations.
Contaminated pump systems must be decontaminated according to the laws.
20 Ilmvac