RMV-71 Operations
Copyright illunis LLC, 5/19/2014
Page 7
RMV-71 Quick Start Continued:
Features to explore:
71Mpixel at 4.2fps ! That’s 340Mpixel per second at 12bits per pixel, 4Gbit/sec.
You can change the readout window size and position . Changing the size will
increase the frame rate. You can set the readout window to HD-4K at ~30fps !
(See page 10).
Image exposure can be set to times longer than readout. This will slow the
readout and the effective frames per second.
The camera can be triggered from the camera link or the external power cable.
The camera requires dark field and bright field image calibration to eliminate sen-
sor column artifacts.
On screen and OLED displays show vital information about camera operation.
Digital gain and offset, as well as histogram equalization is provided for quick im-
age setup.
Exposures are set in line times…. The small the line the shorter the exposure.
Your capture card can be used to flip or rotate the image.
Please read the following manual and send your comments to
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