The number one rule in underwater videography and photography is to
eliminate as much water between the camera and subject as possible.
Get as close as you can to the subject, then use the zoom if necessary.
Shoot in clear water; do not stir up the sand or silty bottom.
Many digital cameras have a slight lag time between when you press
the shutter release button and the camera actually takes the picture.
Hold the camera steady a second or two after pressing the shutter
release button.
Do not shoot down on subjects as they will quite often blend into the
background and be difficult to see in a photograph. Shoot subjects
straight on or shoot up at a slight angle using the blue water as a
contrasting background.
It is important to respect all living creatures underwater, including
people, marine life, and coral. While we encourage people to get close
to their subjects when taking a photograph, they should not touch, lie on,
or in any way disturb the things they find underwater.
Video and Photo Tips