And click the Number 3. Icon which are explained on 13-5. Fig-1
The following screen displayed
Select the Tour numbers(should be already set-up by you),and click the Number
9. Icon which are explained on 13-5. Fig-1.
Once again click the Number 9. Icon, then this Tour is stop and reset the Starting
point. When you need start again for Tour, back the 13-5 and repeat again this
The PCS-400P MENU Structure Introduction is shown on page 14 to page 31 of
PCS-400P Series Dome Installation & Set-up Guide.
Note: When it could not communicate between PCS-400P and SDR-500 by
RS-485 ,even the connection and setting is correct.
Please AC24V power off for PCS-400P, and power on again.
It may be needed to reset the CPU onPCS-400P.