6. Communication Command
6-1. Communicating conditions
(1) Baud rate
: 9600 bps
(2) Data length : 8 bits
(3) Parity
: None
(4) Stop bit
: 1 bit
6-2. Command format
1 SOH (01h)
2 Receiving model ID
3 Receiving sub ID
4 Transmitting model ID
5 Optional bit function
6 Transmitting sub ID
7 Reservation (80 h)
8 STX (02h)
Command (Variable length)
n+1 ETX (03h)
n+2 BCC (Exclusive-OR of receiving model ID to ETX)
4th to 7th bytes can be omitted.
To the commands omitted of transmitting ID and transmitting sub ID, response is given
from camera in the setting as follow:
Transmitting model ID omitted
No response from camera
Transmitting sub ID omitted
Response is given from camera by transmitting sub
ID = 30 h.
*1 Transmitting model ID ICD-48...43h
*2 Transmitting sub ID
ICD-48...Camera No. + 30h (30h ~ FFh)
Set the camera No. by “RS-485 ID” items in the special menu for setup. Camera can not
be operated unless the settings of “Transmitting sub ID” and “RS-485 ID” are identical.
Ex. Camera No. 1 = 31h
Camera No. 15 = 3Fh