Ikegami DTA-55 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 13

㪚㪦㪥㪫㪜㪥㪫㪪㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷


㪫㫉㫀㪸㫏㩷 㪘㪻㪸㫇㫋㫆㫉㩷


㪠㪥㪝㪦㪩㪤㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥㩷 㪫㪦㩷 㪬㪪㪜㪩䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮ε㩷
㪪㪘㪝㪜㪫㪰㩷 㪧㪩㪜㪚㪘㪬㪫㪠㪦㪥㪪䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮ζ㩷

㪚㪿㪸㫇㫋㪼㫉㩷㪈㩷㪦㪬㪫㪣㪠㪥㪜㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷

䋱䋮䋱㩷 㪝㪼㪸㫋㫌㫉㪼㫊㩷 㫆㪽㩷 㪫㪿㫀㫊㩷 㪧㫉㫆㪻㫌㪺㫋䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳㩷
䋱䋮䋲㩷 㪪㫇㪼㪺㫀㪽㫀㪺㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋴㩷
䋱䋮䋳㩷 㪜㫏㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫃㩷 㪛㫀㫄㪼㫅㫊㫀㫆㫅㫊㩷 㪛㫀㪸㪾㫉㪸㫄䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋶㩷

㪚㪿㪸㫇㫋㪼㫉㩷㪉㩷㪥㪘㪤㪜㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪝㪬㪥㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷

䋲䋮䋱㩷 㪛㪫㪘㪄㪌㪌㩷 㪩㫀㪾㪿㫋㩷 㪭㫀㪼㫎䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋱䋱㩷
䋲䋮䋲㩷 㪛㪫㪘㪄㪌㪌㩷 㪩㪼㪸㫉㩷 㪭㫀㪼㫎䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋱䋲㩷
䋲䋮䋳㩷 㪛㪫㪘㪄㪌㪌㩷㪣㪼㪽㫋㩷㪭㫀㪼㫎䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋱䋶㩷

㪚㪿㪸㫇㫋㪼㫉㩷㪊㩷㪟㪛㪫㪭㩷㪝㪦㪩㪤㪘㪫㪪㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷

䋳䋮䋱㩷 㪟㪛㪫㪭 㩷 㪝㪦㪩㪤㪘㪫㪪䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋱䋹㩷

㪚㪿㪸㫇㫋㪼㫉㩷㪋㩷㪠㪥㪪㪫㪩㪬㪤㪜㪥㪫㩷㪠㪥㪪㪫㪘㪣㪣㪘㪫㪠㪦㪥㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷

䋴䋮䋱㩷 㪧㫉㪼㫇㪸㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷 䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋲䋲㩷

㪟㪸㫅㪻㫃㫀㫅㪾㩷㫆㪽㩷 㫀㫅㫊㫋㫉㫌㫄㪼㫅㫋㫊䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋲䋲㩷

䋴䋮䋲㩷 㪚㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷㫋㫆㩷㪸㩷㫇㫆㫎㪼㫉㩷㫊㫌㫇㫇㫃㫐䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋲䋴㩷
䋴䋮䋳㩷 㪙㪪㩷㪸㫅㪻㩷㪚㪸㫄㪼㫉㪸㩷㪿㪼㪸㪻㩷㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮㩷 䋲䋵㩷
䋴䋮䋴㩷 㪙㪪㩷 㪸㫅㪻㩷 㪦㪚㪧㩷 㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮㩷 䋲䋶㩷
䋴䋮䋵㩷 㪧㫆㫎㪼㫉㩷 㪦㪥㩷 䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋲䋷㩷
䋴䋮䋶㩷 㪫㪿㪼㩷㫇㫆㫎㪼㫉㩷㪺㫆㫅㫋㫉㫆㫃㩷㫆㪽㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪺㪸㫄㪼㫉㪸㩷㪿㪼㪸㪻䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋲䋸㩷
䋴䋮䋷㩷 㪪㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㩷 㫊㪼㫋㫌㫇㩷 㪻㫀㪸㪾㫉㪸㫄䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋲䋹㩷

㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷 㫆㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋰㩷

䋴䋮䋸㩷 㪦㫇㪼㫉㪸㫋㫀㫅㪾㩷 㫊㫐㫊㫋㪼㫄㫊䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋱㩷

㪪㫋㪸㫅㪻㩷 㪸㫃㫆㫅㪼㩷 㩿㪈㩷 㪺㪸㫄㪼㫉㪸㩷 㪿㪼㪸㪻㪀㩷 䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋱㩷
㪜㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㩷 㫆㪽㩷 㫊㫋㪸㫅㪻㪸㫉㪻㩷 㪺㫆㫅㪽㫀㪾㫌㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩿㪈㩷 㪺㪸㫄㪼㫉㪸㩷 㪿㪼㪸㪻㪀㩷 䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋱㩷
㪜㫏㪸㫄㫇㫃㪼㩷 㫆㪽㩷 㪺㫆㫅㪽㫀㪾㫌㫉㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷 㫌㫇㩷 㫋㫆㩷 㪋㪇㩷 㪺㪸㫄㪼㫉㪸㩷 㪿㪼㪸㪻㫊䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋲㩷
㪥㪼㫋㫎㫆㫉㫂㩷 㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㩷 㩿㪙㪸㫊㫀㪺㩷 㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㪀㩷 䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋳㩷

䋴䋮䋹㩷 㪜㫏㫋㪼㫉㫅㪸㫃㩷㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫀㫆㫅㫊䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋴㩷

㪚㪘㪤㪜㪩㪘㩷 㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉㩷 䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋴㩷
㪛㪚㩷 㪠㪥㩷 㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋵㩷
㪩㪜㪤㪦㪫㪜㩷 㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋶㩷
㪟㪛㪪㪫䋭䋱䊶㪟㪛㪪㪫䋭䋲㩷 㪺㫆㫅㫅㪼㪺㫋㫆㫉䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋷㩷

䋷㫇㫀㫅㩷 㫋㫐㫇㪼㩷 䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋷㩷
䋵㫇㫀㫅㩷 㫋㫐㫇㪼䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋸㩷
䋴㫇㫀㫅㩷 㫋㫐㫇㪼䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋮䋳䋸㩷



Содержание DTA-55

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Страница 3: ...176 0 0 CPF 70 6 10 68 14 6 05647 06 056 6 10 5 66 0 5 CPF 756 06 6417 5 116 0 0 0 14 6 10...

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Страница 5: ...DTA 55 Triax Adaptor...

Страница 6: ...t of conventional solder with lead Sn Pb eutectic solder a high temperature needs to be set to a soldering iron Taking allowable temperature limit of the parts and stable work into consideration use a...

Страница 7: ...area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party respons...

Страница 8: ...This manual describes the precautions using various pictorial symbols for you to use the product safety Please read these precautions thoroughly before use The symbols and e meanings are as follows...

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Страница 11: ...without notice in the future The symbols used in this manual are as follows The following notations are used in this manual The illustrations and displays in the text are provided for explanation and...

Страница 12: ...formats of the DTA 55 Explains how to combine this product to a camera head Also explains how to connect this product to the peripheral equipment Explains the menu of a camera head for the settings o...

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Страница 17: ...ad of Unicam HD series HDK 55 HDK 79GX and HDK 97A camera head can be used The camera cable is TRIAX cable Since operation of a camera is possible immediately even if it does not newly equip a fiber c...

Страница 18: ...ing projections Mass Approx 3kg Temperature Operating temperature 20 to 45 Storage temperature 30 to 60 Humidity 30 to 90 No condensation Applied Standard EN60950 1 Quality control ISO9001 Usage condi...

Страница 19: ...channel BNC type connector Q TV signal SD SDI 1channel BNC type connector Camera video signal HD SDI 1channel BNC type connector 1 Data trunk signal RS 422 1channel Intercom signal 0dBs 2channels HDST...

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Страница 25: ...wer supply of DTA 55 is displayed Green Indicates power is ON DTA 55 is active Red Indicate power is standby The switch to select the power source to DTA 55 BS A power supply is supplied through a Tri...

Страница 26: ...asserted this indicator is illuminated Accessories such as 9 inches Viewfinder are attached When Red Tally is asserted this indicator is illuminated It also lights up while the CALL button on any cont...

Страница 27: ...turn video channels Selects not to turn on Red and Green Tally indicators Act Activates lighting function of Red and Green Tally indicators OFF disables lighting function of Red and Green Tally indica...

Страница 28: ...from BST 55 Ex Connects a prompter system Outputs the audio which mixed PGM 1 and PGM 2 mini jack Ex Connects earphone or wireless equipment for a reporter DC12V max 0 5A outputs for various use Selec...

Страница 29: ...ithout BST 55 Inputs external power supply 12V DC when the camera is operated without BST 55 Outputs the return video signal when the camera is operated together with BST 55 Outputs the camera video s...

Страница 30: ...Connects here a Triax cable The cable clamp for protection of the Triax cable...

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Страница 33: ...s displayed on the menu and the self diagnosis Vertical scanning frequency 59 94Hz in this case Scanning mode I interlace P progressive Number of effective scanning lines 1080 lines in this case DTA 5...

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Страница 36: ...toward the camera head from back of the camera head to connect the connectors on each other Tighten upper setscrews and lower setscrews alternately DTA 55 Rear View UnicamHD series camera head DTA 55...

Страница 37: ...Please make sure that the power switch is OFF before connecting this product and peripheral equipment such as the Base station...

Страница 38: ......

Страница 39: ...Connect the CAMERA connector on the rear of the BS to the CAMERA connector on the DTA 55 via a camera cable...

Страница 40: ...Connect the OCP CCP connector on the rear of the BS and the COMM connector of the OCP with a CP cable...

Страница 41: ...the Power source switch to BS When the cable condition is normal HEAD POWER indicator will be illuminated and BST 55 will supply electric power to DTA 55 The Power mode indicator changes the color Red...

Страница 42: ...This power control is only the camera head The power supply of BST 55 is still ON...

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Страница 44: ...2 For network operation commands can be selected from an OCP or MCP For video signals the operating configuration to select the signals from the CSU 110 is also accepted However an external power sup...

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Страница 46: ...The number of camera head to be selected varies according to the MCP to be used...

Страница 47: ...This connection configuration is available for the BST 55...

Страница 48: ...Used to connect DTA 55 to BST 55 by Triax cable A customer can specift the maker of CAMERA connector...

Страница 49: ...DTA 55 Cable DTA 55 Cable Insertion side Receptacle Insertion side Receptacle...

Страница 50: ...The maximum current is 0 5A DTA 55 Cable DTA 55 Cable Insertion side Receptacle Insertion side Receptacle...

Страница 51: ...different according to the intercom headset The carbon or dynamic intercom microphone can be used The switching of carbon and dynamic microphone is able to control from a camera head DTA 55 Cable Rec...

Страница 52: ...DTA 55 Cable DTA 55 Cable Receptacle Insertion side Receptacle Receptacle Insertion side...

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Страница 55: ...ore using when DTA 55 is combined to a camera for the first time Also this should be set up when DTA 55 is combined to a different camera This setup uses the menu of the camera The menu operation is e...

Страница 56: ...The menu function can set up the items to display in the viewfinder and other various status of the camera And the setup contents are stored in the camera head...

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Страница 59: ...ect the signal for MON SDI output MON SDI BNC on the rear of DTA 55 Enter the Main menu 2 3 Select VIDEO OUTPUT and enter the Submenu Select MON SDI OUTPUT and choose from items Initial value is VF HD...

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Страница 63: ...arning is displayed take the measures which lower the internal temperature of a camera promptly If a fan stops due to some failure a warning indicating an irregular fan stop flashes on the viewfinder...

Страница 64: ...e fuse ATO fuse is used for DTA 55 ATO fuse is classified by colour and 15A type is Blue Remove all cables linked to the DTA 55 camera adapter such as the CAMERA cable Be sure to remove CAMERA cable I...

Страница 65: ...The fuse has blown if the portion enclosed with a circle has melted If so exchange the fuse same or an equivalent...

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Страница 67: ...This chapter contains the revision information of user specific request design that requested from users...

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