Quick installation guide
(Detailed online manual on CD. See
appendix of installation guide)
EasyFly/Piccofly uses the auto-start feature of
Windows 95/98 for automatically starting the
installation software.
Just put the easyFly/Piccofly CD into your CD-
ROM drive.
Installation will then start automatically and the
startup screen of the setup program appears.
Here you can choose the installation language
of easyFly/Piccofly.
Please note, that this is only the language for
If you deactivated the auto start feature in the
Windows 95/98 setup or you have already
installed an easyFly/PiccoFly
version, instal-
lation will not start automatically.
In this case the installation program
"Setup.exe", which can be found in the main
directory of the CD-ROM, has to be started
To do so double click on the Windows 95/98
“Desktop" and then with a right mouse click on
the symbol for your CD-ROM drive (the small
airplane symbol). A short menu appears,
where you choose the item "Open". After that a
window with the content of the main directory
of the easyFly/PiccoFly CD opens up. Double
click on the program "Setup.exe" which starts
the installation.
Installation of DirectX and why easyFly/
PiccoFly needs it
Before you can start easyFly/PiccoFly, DirectX
version 7.0 or higher has to be installed on your
computer. DirectX was developed by Micro-
soft, so that games under Windows can direc-
tly access the hardware. EasyFly/PiccoFly
needs DirectX for sound output and for joystick
input. If DirectX is not installed on your
computer yet, you can find DirectX Version 7
on the easyFly/PiccoFly CD.