1. Operating Mode A:
After power-on/power failure no automatic restart of
2. Operating Mode B:
After power-on/power failure automatic restart of func-
tions, depending on previous settings.
3. Operating mode C:
Set values (set in A or B) cannot be changed.
After power-on/power failure automatic restart of func-
tions, depending on previous settings.
4. Operating mode D:
Confirmation request for set value changes, if functions
are active. After power-on/power failure no automatic
restart of functions.
1. Main Screen:
In the “Main Screen“ menu option, you can specify
what information will be displayed on the screen.
2. Device Number:
In the “Device number“ menu option, you are allowed
to edit the device number from 0 to 99 that will be
shown on the main screen.
When using multiple units, it may be helpful to identify
WiCo and station.
Labeling device number to the station.
In this menu, you can set the options for the time-tem-
perature diagram.
1. Automatic:
The scaling of the temperature axis (Y-axis) is automati-
cally determined, depending on the target temperature
and the actual internal and external temperature.
The time axis (X-axis) is permanently scaled to 30 minutes.
2. Manual:
1) Axis Assignment:
The temperature values to be displayed can be selected.
2) Axis scaling:
Scaling of the time (X) and temperature axis (Y) can be
selected or set.
Under programs, 10 user-defined temperature-time pro-
files can be created. A program can consist of up to 10
Once a program has been selected, the following op-
tions are available:
1. Start:
Starts the program upon request of loop mode.
1) Infinite loop:
Upon completion of the last segment,
the program continues with the first segment until the
user ends the program by stopping a device function.
2) Loop Count:
Indicates the total number of loop cy-
cles until program end.
At the end of the program all device functions
are switched off.
2. Edit:
Edit/change the selected program.
1) Seg No.:
Segment number.
2) Ctrl. Sensor (int/ext):
Determines whether control is
through the internal (int) or external (ext) temperature
3) Temp.:
Target temperature.
4) Ctrl.Mode (Time / +/- x.x K):
In “
Ctrl.Mode Time
the target values and settings of the segment are
valid for the duration indicated in the column “
Afterwards, the next program segment is automatically
In “
Ctrl.Mode +/- x.xx K
”, the hysteresis (tolerance)
of the actual temperature to the target temperature is
set (e.g. +/- 0.1 K). The target values and settings of the
segment are valid until the actual temperature reaches
the target tempe/- hysteresis for the first time.
Afterwards, the next program segment is automatically
5) Pump rpm:
Target speed of pump.
6) M1 (ON/OFF):
M1 valve in initial state
M1 valve in inverted initial state.
The initial state of the M1 valve is defined in
“MODULES M1-Valve” in “Default Status” as “Open” or
7) M2 (ON/OFF):
MODULES M2-Output switch
M2-output switch in initial state.
M2-output switch in inverted initial state.
The initial state of the M2-Output switch is de-
fined in “MODULES M2-Output” in “Default Status” as
“Open” or “Closed”.