LNU sensor : Installation & programming
Installation Guide
IJINUS – 25 ZA de Kervidanou 3 – 29300 MELLAC – FRANCE
when the sensor encounters this situation, to replace this value “a priori” false by another one define by the user :
The last valid value, a value you define, no value, …
This option has to be appropriately used, it never should compensate a not completed or not adapted calibration.
Programing for flow rate calculation from height measures and control a water sampler
Before completing this chapter, it is important to keep in mind that a flow rate measure is obtained by two factors 1)
the wet area and 2) the average velocity. The sensors described in this document only measure water height (that
allows wet area calculation via the collector shape) but never a velocity measure.
Nerveless some tools to transform water height measured in flow rate (then in volume) by conversion table or
measuring system on threshold are available. It is the user’s responsibility to choose the transforming tool. In this case,
it has to be chosen at the beginning of the programing (or to modified) height/flow rate like shown below.
Once the programing choice has been done, an example sheet of conversion is available:
An Excel file will then open with in summary the different type of use. For example in case of circular collector, the sheet
called Height/surface - circle allows you to generate a value table (mm) / yet Surface (mm^2) for a circular collector
(here for 1500 mm) with the possibility to integrate mud height, this for a scale every 5 mm). Only the yellow cells have
to be filled, conversion is done automatically.