Stitch Workflow
Transfer house data from the camera's USB Flash drive to desktop computer. You can
transfer data from camera either over network or directly on the USB drive. Do not
process data directly off USB drive, as that may result in data corruption.
Press Load Project
button and select a project folder. You can select multiple projects
with a single click of the mouse on each folder. Fisheye images are automatically aligned
for panoramas during house loading.
Check that the panoramas are correctly arranged by floor and drag them between floors
if needed.
Check positioning of outside panoramas.
Check that panoramas are positioned and rotated to form a correct floor layout on each
floor. It is important to have good panorama alignment for drafting team to be able to
draft the project.
6. Leave any notes for the drafting team either on a floor using the Notes tool or at the
project level by selecting the top level project in the tree view.
Rotate each floor to have walls parallel to the sides of the screen. All floors must have
the same orientation.
Check that panoramas are properly aligned and the verticals are vertical.
Adjust panorama colors if desired.
Hide panoramas that you do not wish to be shown in the iGUIDE.
11. Review assignment of floors to buildings and wall thickness.
12. Select initial panorama and viewing angle.
13. Export the house data.
Upload the project file and gallery images to the iGUIDE Portal.
User Interface
The Stitch application main window is shown in Figure 5. Buttons on the toolbar represents
available commands. When you hover the mouse cursor over a button, a tooltip with the button
description and keyboard shortcut will appear if available.
Project Tree View
Once you load a project into Stitch, the left pane will show scans organized by floors and buildings.
By default, there is only Main Building, but you can define additional buildings, such as a standalone
garage or guest house.