GREEN Planet Co. www.igreen-co.com
In addition, the electromagnetic pen with the mainstream 1024 Order handwriting pressure sensitivity, able
to pass a more accurate handwriting mode, simulate more real pen to write pen diameter thickness effect. We
will experience the most realistic, accurate original handwriting input experience.
2.6 The use of the electromagnetic pen (option)
The use of the electromagnetic pen:
Before using the electromagnetic pen, touch the pen tip for the display screen, the electromagnetic pen
to enter the working state. When the electromagnetic pen stopped working 5 minutes will be
automatically converted to hibernation.
Left key of mouse
When the Electromagnetic pen nib click touch screen, electromagnetic pen will switch to a function of
the left mouse button.
Right key of mouse
When the electromagnetic pen in working condition,
Press the button of the electromagnetic pen, the
electromagnetic pen will be switched to the right mouse button
Low voltage indicator:
Electromagnetic pen in working condition, the red indicator point is on, indicating the battery voltage is
low, and please immediately charged.
Indicator charge:
Electromagnetic pen is charging, the red indicator point is on, The electromagnetic pen will stop
Full power indicator:
When the battery is fully charged, the electromagnetic pen charging indicator light will go off, then, you
can unplug the charger to continue to the next step work.
3.0 Installation of driver program
The Genesis Tab-3 support Windows8
Driver down load link: www.igreen-co.com