M a i n t e n a n c e s e r v i c e
MRBP.424321.001UM Version 1.0 27/01/2020
Maintenance service
Maintenance service is tasked to ensure EMI-SSD-1M normal operation over its lifetime.
General hints
Maintenance service must be carried out by qualified personnel only.
Personnel performing EMI SSD-1M maintenance should be guided by this UM and safe-
ty precautions in accordance with section 2.
While mounting personal protective equipment and special electrical tool with insulat-
ing properties up to 2000 V should be used.
Maintenance routine
EMI-SSD-1M maintenance service is carried out every 6 months and includes the fol-
lowing types of service:
visual inspection (body, LEDs and graphic LCD display check);
cleaning the device body, as well as its terminal blocks from dust, dirt and foreign ob-
fixing on a DIN rail quality check;
external connections quality check.
Deficiencies found during inspection should be immediately rectified.
2 EMI-SSD-1M performance check consists in measuring channels alarm conventional
operating current check and «Threshold 1», «Threshold 2», «Failure» control unit EMI
-SSD-1M relays
actuation check using current calibrators, for example, Fluke 5522A.
The current calibrator is connected alternately to all 8 channels according to Appendix B. The
calibrator sets a current exceeding the set thresholds and monitors the corresponding relay opera-
tion using a multimeter in the «circuit continuity test» mode, for example, a MY68 Mastech multime-
For «Failure» alarm actuation of the tested cha
nnel check, it is necessary to break the cali-
device circuit, check the corresponding relay operation using a multimeter in the « resistance
continuity» mode
Battery replacement
EMI SSD-1M uses a plug-in battery type CR2032 to power the RTC.
The battery is to be replaced when at least one of the events occurs: