Airbnb Connect
Airbnb Connect automates the generation of PIN codes for your Airbnb guests based on
their approved reservations. It costs USD$4.99 per month, but is currently on free trial.
Here are the steps to activate Airbnb Connect
Step 1: Connect to your Airbnb
[Account Settings]
, select
[Connect with Airbnb]
, then click
Step 2: Connect to Airbnb listings
, click the
icon to select a home to connect to.
Select Airbnb Listing and PIN Time to associate.
Emails with PIN code will be sent to the guest between 1 to 48 hours before
check-in time (configurable).
• PINs will only be valid between the check-in and check-out times.
Step 3: Change Check-in and Check-out time
, select
[Manage Properties]
followed by the listing to view or edit its
• If the access mail has not been sent, changing your check-in/check-out time via the app
modifies the start and end time of the PIN codes to be shared with your guest.
• If the access mail has been sent, changing these details will only affect the next
• Changing these details on the igloohome app does not update the check-in/check-out
time on the listing on the Airbnb website.
Disconnect Airbnb
Should you prefer to generate PIN codes for your guests manually, you may disconnect your
Airbnb listing from the igloohome home listing with the steps below.
1. Under
, disconnect all the listings (if any).
2. Under
[Account Settings]
, select
[Disconnect with Airbnb]
Should you wish to completely disconnect your Airbnb account from your igloohome account,
make sure that all your Airbnb listings have been disconnected in the above step, then go to:
Airbnb Host Website > Connected Apps > Select igloohome to disconnect
Airbnb Connect