IGEL Technology GmbH
Hardware Manual IGEL UD7
– October 2018
WEEE and Battery Waste Note
In accordance with EU directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) and Directive 2006/66/EC for waste batteries, customers and manufacturers are
responsible for returning and recycling their old equipment and batteries. IGEL now offers a
convenient return service.
As of August 15, 2005, all IGEL Thin Clients sold bear the WEEE and battery waste seal. All Thin
Clients labelled with this sticker are taken back and disposed of immediately at no charge
(including the battery). For IGEL customers, this means better service and greater convenience,
because IGEL Technology handles the professional recycling of all Thin Clients (including the
lithium battery).
Report disposal online: Under the heading, “Waste Management WEEE” on the IGEL Homepage
(www.igel.com) there is an online form that must be filled in for the old IGEL units to be picked
up. Such information as the address, series number, contact person, number of units to be
removed and the desired disposal date are urgently required for the smooth processing of waste.
Pickup: Immediately after sending in your data, you will receive from the IGEL Service Center a
notice of confirmation of receipt. Then an IGEL service employee will contact you to arrange a
date to pick up the unit.
IGEL WEEE Number: DE 79295479 / WEE/GE4266QU.
This product contains no postconsumer recycled plastic (0 %) and no renewable / biobased
plastic materials (0 %). The packaging material contains the following recycling content:
Corrugated cardboards between 33 % and 69 %, plastic bags 0 %.
RoHS and REACh Note
This product of IGEL Technology GmbH fulfils the requirements of the EU directive 2011/65/EU
on the Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (RoHS). The product is marked accordingly.
The EU Regulation 1907/2006 for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of
Chemicals (REACh) shall improve the protection of human health and the environment from the
risks that can be posed by chemicals. IGEL fulfils this regulation by informing customers and
partners about materials on the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in our
products in a concentration above 0.1 % weight by weight (w/w).
Find current information about SVHC materials on our website under