16 Annex
16.1 Check list
This check list serves as help for setting up the safety light curtains� The
requirements in this check list should to be met, however depending on the
application and the directives / standards referred to�
1� Were the directives / standards valid for safety of machinery complied with?
2� Is access prevention / primary guarding of the point of danger only possible
through the protected area of the safety light curtains?
3� Have steps been taken to prevent reaching under, over or around the light
guards to prevent attempts to defeat them?
4� Has the stop or shutdown delay of the machine been measured and adapted
according to the installation of the safety light curtains?
5� Have the safety light curtains been duly fixed and secured against loosening or
6� Have the safety light curtains been checked according to the function and
maintenance descriptions in these operating instructions?
7� Has external monitoring (EDM) of the control unit (e�g� contactor, valve etc�)
been used?
8� Is the state defined as safe for switching on / off of the safety light curtains
9� Is /are there any soiling or scratches on the light-emitting surface?
10� Are the installation instructions of these operating instructions adhered to?
This check list does not replace checking or set-up by a person trained in
safety matters�