7.4.4 Connect device manually
1� Start the "ifmVisionAssistant" application�
2� Click on
3� Click on the button [Manual connection]�
4� In the list "Select type of sensor" select the device type [O3X1XX manual
5� Enter the IP address of the device in the field "Enter IOP address"�
The default IP address is "192�168�0�69"�
6� Click on the button [Connect]�
7.5 Monitoring screen
When a connection to the device has been established, ifm Vision Assistant opens
the monitoring screen�
In the monitoring screen the device runs in the operating mode� The current
application can be monitored but not interrupted or changed�
7.6 Application
In the window "Application" the application of the connected device is shown and
the "Image Settings" are set�
Click on
> The window "Application" opens�
When you change from the monitoring screen to the window "Application", you
have to confirm that the evaluation (the operating mode) of the device stops�
The button
saves the image settings in the application�
The button
exits the application�