Function and features
The through-beam sensor detects objects and materials without
contact and indicates their presence by a switched signal.
Range (r): see type label.
Electrical connection
Isolate power, then connect the unit (see page 17 or type label).
Core colours: BN = brown, BU = blue.
Output function light-on ( ) or dark-on mode ( ) depending
on the unit (see type label).
Note: insert a miniature fuse according to the technical data sheet.
Recommendation: check the unit for reliable function after a short cirucit.
Fix the receiver (type OGE-...) in position.
Align the transmitter (type OGS-...) towards the receiver and tighten in
the same way.
Maximum range is only possible with precise alignment.
NB: Commissioning
The through-beam sensor is supplied ready to operate (plug and play)
set at the max. sensing range. This is sufficient if the through-beam
sensor can operate with maximum excess gain (highest contrast). The
following setting procedures should only be necessary in less straight-
forward applications, for example if partly transparent objects must be
LED red
push button
LED green