9.3.4 Switch off the meter reset
► Select [rTo] and set [OFF]� The meter is only reset after overflow
(= factory setting)�
9.4 User settings (optional)
9.4.1 Determine the standard unit of measurement for volumetric flow
► Select [Uni] and set the unit of measurement:
[SCFm] = flow rate in standard cubic feet / minute�
[SCFH] = flow rate in standard cubic feet / hour�
The setting only has an effect on the volumetric flow value� The counter
values (consumed quantity) are automatically displayed in the unit of meas-
urement providing the highest accuracy�
9.4.2 Configuration of the standard display
► Select [SELd] and determine the standard process category�
[FLOW] = display shows the current volumetric flow value in the stand-
ard unit of measurement�
[TOTL] = display indicates the current meter count in scf or 1000 scf�
► Select [diS] and determine the update rate and orientation of the display:
[d1] = update of the measured values every 50 ms�
[d2] = update of the measured values every 200 ms�
[d3] = update of the measured values every 600 ms�
[rd1], [rd2], [rd3] = display as for d1, d2, d3; rotated by 180°�
[OFF] = the display is switched off in the operating mode�
9.4.3 Setting the damping of the measured values
► Select [dAP] and the damping constant in seconds (t value 63 %)�
9.4.4 Setting the error behaviour of OUT1 / OUT2
► [Select [FOU1] and determine the value:
[On] = output 1 switches ON in case of an error�
[OFF] = output 1 switches OFF in case of an error�
[OU] = output 1 switches irrespective of the error as defined with the
► Select [FOU2] and determine the value:
[On] = output 2 switches ON in case of an error, the analogue signal
goes to the upper end stop value�
[OFF] = output 2 switches OFF in case of an error, the analogue signal
goes to the lower end stop value�
[OU] = output 2 switches irrespective of the error as defined with the
parameters� The analogue signal corresponds to the measured value�