selected filter and successful writing of the filter values is indicated by the respective button glowing green
and a text appearing in the status field� Otherwise the respective button glows red and a description of the
error is output�
7.6 Basic write function
The [Basic write functions] tab allows simple writing on tags� A fundamental distinction is maintained be-
tween synchronous writing - (write on command) - and asynchronous writing - (write on arrival)�
Figure: Basic write function tab
7.6.1 Synchronous writing
In this type of writing the data can only ever be written selectively to one EPC� This is selected in the EPC
ComboBox� Clicking on the [Update] button detects once again all tags in the antenna field and adds
them to the ComboBox�
When all necessary data such as password, memory bank and memory address have been input a deci-
sion can be made whether to specify the data to be written or to generate them at random� If specified
data should be written, optionally a data mask can be specified� When using random data, the number of
them should be stated in words (16-bit)�
Right-clicking on the "Data to be written" field opens a context menu, which allows the selected EPC to be
copied into this field�
Right-clicking on the "Data mask" field allows this to be filled optionally with 0 or F according to the
number of the data entered to be written�
Clicking on Start starts the performance of the previously specified number of write attempts� The error-
free completion of all write attempts is once again indicated by the button glowing green and by a mes-
sage in the status window� If any necessary data is lacking, the button briefly glows red and the field lack-
ing the data glows red somewhat longer� The associated error message appears in the status window�
The "Write successful" and "Write failed" fields indicate how often the write attempt succeeded or failed�
Hovering the mouse over the number of failed write attempts (provided indeed any failures did occur),
calls up a window with detailed information�