I/O card configuration
The communication interface settings can be changed using the [I/O card configuration]� All available I/O
cards are displayed here in the form of tabs� Clicking on the respective tab opens the associated card and
displays all respective configuration parameters, together with the card type that was detected�
Figure: I/O card configuration
Under the "I/O card type" header there is a drop-down menu, in which the card type can be set to "Auto-
matic detection", "Card not used" or to the actual card type�
Automatic detection restores the interface to the default settings� What these settings are is described in
the following sections in relation to the interfaces� If the card type is set to not used, this interface can no
longer be used�
All card-specific configuration parameters are displayed on the card sheet when the recognised card type
is set� These parameters are described in the following sections for the respective card� The settings are
saved to the reader by pressing the [Save changes] button�
The new parameters, provided nothing to the contrary is specified for the specific card, become valid only
when the reader has been restarted� If incorrect parameters are loaded, the reader can no longer be ac-
The GPIO card allows the reader to interact with its environment� In this tab, the inputs and outputs can
be configured for the respective application under the headings "Input" and "Output"�
Each input channel has two configuration parameters available� The "Invert logical input" option negates
the electrical input signal and uses this status for processing in the reader� If the check is not set, the
signal is used unchanged� Depending on the sensor being used (mechanical or electrical switch), a de-
bounce time in milliseconds can be assigned to each channel�
The outputs from the card can be assigned various functions� Further parameters can be activated, de-
pending on the function selected� The following functions are available:
● Off – the selected output is deactivated
● On – the selected output is always on
● 1Hz frequency – the selected output flashes at a frequency of 1 Hertz
● 2Hz frequency – the selected output flashes at a frequency of 2 Hertz
● 4Hz frequency – the selected output flashes at a frequency of 4 Hertz
● 8Hz frequency – the selected output flashes at a frequency of 8 Hertz
● RF on – the output is active for "Opening time" milliseconds as soon as the radio frequency is present
at the antenna "First antenna" to "Last antenna"�
● Antenna error – the output is active for "Opening time" milliseconds as soon as an antenna error oc-
curs at antenna "First antenna" to "Last antenna"�
● Tag found – the output is active for "Opening time" milliseconds as soon as a tag is found at the an-
tenna "First antenna" to "Last antenna"�
● RF on – the output is active for "Opening time" milliseconds as soon as an operation on a tag was suc-
cessful at the antenna "First antenna" to "Last antenna"�
● Protocol access – the output is released and can be activated with all reader protocol commands for